

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I quickly realized how boring my last post was, so don't worry, at least I am aware of it and will hopefully not make the same mistake twice. I find myself up during the night which does not happen that often at all (thankfully) but I can NOT fall asleep again. I have slept for a few hours and then find myself incapable of going back to sleep so... what better to do then, by the way I always forget if it's then or than... anyone want to set me straight on this one? What to do next.... look up funny outtakes of course! After a long day, long week, or even a normal day I LOVE having any reason to laugh because I think it is so important for the human psyche. Find me someone who doesn't laugh, and I will say they are unhappy. Isn't that the boldest statement you've ever heard? Probably not, right? But still... laughter is hugely important and I hope everyone (in the world of course) but if not, at least whoever is reading this finds themselves in funny situations or if nothing else can laugh by yourself in the car driving home from work.
FOR INSTANCE; Friday night I found myself at a stoplight staring at a guy who was dressed as the statue of liberty (I assume it was one of those odd advertisements for tax day but I'm not quite sure considering it is literally a guy, probably 23, dressed in a hoodie and jeans but with a bright green toga type outfit and a matching queen like hat). As I watched him he randomly broke out into dance, I could tell he had headphones in and it was obvious he was listening to music. So I appreciated his ability to stand on a very busy street corner and just dance while showing his face. For some reason I think I could totally do that if I had some sort of a mask, but that is just lame. This guy was going to town on his random and quite spastic moves but I had to laugh because as I sat and watched him I quickly flipped through the (mostly) awful radio stations and was pleased to find that Cher's "do you believe in love" was on... normally I would change the channel so fast but in this situation it perfectly fit, and it cracked me up that this guy happened to be listening to "do you BElieve in love after life...." on repeat, which by the way, that's what I think she is saying I don't actually know.
Similar situation about a week ago I was on a busy highway about 5 p.m. and ready to be home. I sometimes like to listen to Enya on the way home because not only is it better than any talk or music on the radio but I find it to be very relaxing. Well, my Enya cd was not within reach and I had to settle for whatever I could find on the radio. As I am getting comfortable with the tunes, I notice a car driving so very close behind me that I could not see his front lights. Now, that is way to close for comfort in my opinion and I found that very annoying. First of all, if I am driving slow (or the exact speed limit) I always put myself in a lane in the middle or far right to make it easy for people to pass me. For whatever reason this dude would not pass me, and spent about a minute huffing and puffing behind me until FINALLY he got in a lane next to me. But when he made this lane switch he was within inches of hitting the back of my car. In my anger, yet serene environment in my car (because I so happened to be listening to Bette Midler's 'God is watching us') and as he passed throwing his hands up in the air, I gave him a 'thumbs up' as I was singing 'God is watching ussssss... from a distance'.
Now if you've never spent some time with me, or heard of any of these songs, I probably sound like a crazy person. But I will encourage any sort of hilarity to ensue on your end of things because we need more of that in this world. Thanks for reading!

And in case you want some of 'The Office' outtakes please check this out.... and I will post some of our home movie outtakes very soon.


廷雯 said...
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Jamee said...

Your last post was not boring! Glad you were rated well!
I especially like the thumbs up incident.