

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Random thought for the day...

I was working at Panera today and it was packed but I was immersed in my work and at one point I didn't look up from my computer for a solid hour.  Then I heard a baby sitting near me and she kept saying 'beek oh book' something along those lines over and over again.  And it would have been annoying if it wasn't so darn cute.  I was pulled back into my surroundings by hearing her saying that phrase and then I started to really look at all the faces that filled the restaurant. A lot of 'business' people, some young couples, some really old people, a few kids, and people of all different races and ages and it made me think of this random thought:  Isn't weird that we were all once babies? I mean, really?  We all have our adult clothes, and language and ability to do things on our own, but once we were tiny, helpless, babies making weird noises in the corner.  It was one of those moments I felt like we were all more connected than we usually seem to be.

I fell compelled to add a Tracy Jordan (30 Rock) random statement to the end of this:  I was just thinking about how weird it is that we eat birds.